Carrie Storley – Rockwell Automation

November 8, 2019

#RunMarketing Award Winner: Finance’s Best Friend

Why They Won

With more than 400 marketers in multiple countries, Rockwell Automation faced a struggle common to large marketing organizations: it was difficult to get a clear and accurate picture of where marketing dollars were being applied, let alone how the budget was aligned to the company’s strategic priorities. To make matters even more challenging, the finance teams in different regions also maintained slightly different processes, leading to gaps in forecasting and varied reporting styles. 

Carrie deftly engaged finance leads in different locations across the globe to streamline processes, deploy them consistently across the organization and – most importantly – get marketing and its financial counterparts to speak the same language. Carrie’s vision and persistence in forging a true alignment with Finance has navigated her team through a land of complexity and change to a common source of truth.

“Carrie runs her operation with the efficiency and precision Rockwell is known for. Getting such a large and diverse team to work together while also bringing forth major change management is not always easy but Carrie’s organizational skills, tenacity and sense of humor made this key piece of the equation happen.”
Jocelyn Brown, Allocadia SVP of Customers & Revenue
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